Are you travelling between Picton and Christchurch this summer? Did you hear about p2c? To plan your journey and learn about road conditions please follow www.nzta.govt.nz/p2c
With SH1 closed the Alternate SH1 Route between Picton and Christchurch, has had significantly increased traffic volumes. This webpage will give you key real time traffic information on how the route is operating and performing. Radars and cameras have been installed at key locations along the route, you can be informed of: real time traffic volumes by vehicle type, speeds, comparison on current traffic volumes by day and time of day, type of vehicles, and visual access via cameras at; Waipara, Culverden, Springs Junction, Murchison, St Arnaud, Renwick and Spring Creek. This information is useful for Transport Operations Centres, Contractors, Consultants, NOCs, internal NZTA Team and Emergency Services for improved decision making.
This information compliments the information already available via other NZTA channels: Traffic and Travel webpage. The P2C webpage is in trial mode, with a continuous improvement approach. This webpage contains data of a technical nature, and as such is not designed for general public use.
Scroll down to view traffic cameras and traffic flow data along the alternate route.
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